OsteoErgo is an End to End health vitality service for global corporations built on 26 years of success in the health industry.

Our clients have included Worcester County Council, Investment Mastery, Britannia Dynamic Logistics, Herefordshire Group Training Association, Pemberton Stewart and DMP.

9 million bedrooms converted into home offices during the “pandemic” and health & safety has not been a priority for employers. 1 in 4 UK workers now work a hybrid work week. Employees have created bad habits and poor conditioning working from home and the result will be profound sickness absence.

The average number of sick days is 5.7 per employee accounting for 15% reduction in productivity. One in fifty employees make a claim for Repetitive Strain Injury and each claim can be in excess of £12,000. OSTEOERGO addresses these issues effectively with a unique range of services ensuring every employee receives the right level of care – our prices start from £45 for our basic Virtual DSE assessment.  Visit our shop to see our full range of packages.

Tree of life
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Clinical practice since 1997 demonstrates very clearly that change is needed. At large, traditional medical approach fails the patient and company occupational health fails the employee. Staff have not been educated and empowered about their posture, spinal mechanics and the importance of taking ownership of their body/mind/spirit. And the end result is SUFFERING.

The DSE users are unaware that if they operate a laptop for any length of prolonged time they will suffer the consequences of ill health, repetitive sprain and injury.OsteoErgo determines the employee health blueprint, or health philosophy, and creates a plan that can be followed to achieve goals. It consists of thoughts, feelings and actions in the area of health.


If you want to create health, it is imperative that you believe you are the steering wheel of your life; when the symptoms occur, they are to be viewed as warning lights on the dashboard. A forewarning to stop heading down that particular train of thought.. It is about taking responsibility, ownership of your own body and health needs. If you want to create health, it is imperative to be totally and truly committed.


There are four steps to change anything you are not happy about:




OsteoEgo offers solutions and brings healing into the workplace.