Educate and empower the workforce to be self-determining in their workplace to create a happier, healthier organisation and wider community


Educate and empower the workforce to be self-determining in their workplace to create a happier, healthier organisation and wider community

OSTEOERGO offers solutions and brings healing into the workplace.

Three decades has demonstrated that change is needed. At large, traditional medical approach fails the patient and company occupational health fails the employee. Staff have not been educated and empowered about their posture, spinal mechanics and the importance of taking ownership of their body/mind/spirit. And the end result is SUFFERING. Work absence and chronic ill health is commonplace because the employee has not been educated in healthy choices at their workstation and daily lives. They have not been empowered to take responsibility for their health. They are unaware that if they operate a laptop for any length of prolonged time they will suffer the consequences of ill health, repetitive sprain and injury. OSTEOERGO determines the employee health blueprint, or health philosophy, and creates a plan that can be followed to achieve goals. It consists of thoughts, feelings and actions in the area of health.

The OsteoErgo Team

Dr Zahir Ali

General Practitioner Healthcare Director

James O’Neill BA FDa

Strength & Conditioning coach

In addition to our core team at OSTEOERGO we have a comprehensive group including Osteopaths, Physiotherapists, practitioners of Osteopathy, Counsellors and Yoga & Pilates Instructors

With support from the De Moran Trust