Pre employment assessment

Pre-placement Assessments are used to assess an employee’s fitness to work in the job or role to which they have been assigned. OSTEOERGO will highlight recommendations for any reasonable adjustments that the employer may need to put in place to accommodate the needs of the employee. They are useful both for new employees and for those employees moving to a new role within the organisation.

Pre employment assessment
Used largely as a preventative measure, pre-placement assessments assess the health of an employee to ensure they are able to perform the duties required of their job and to allow for recommendations to be made to best benefit the working capacity of the employee.

Arranging health screening for new employees, whether new to the business or starting a new role, can be invaluable in preventing future problems in relation to health and safety in the workplace. (Equality Act 2010 sensitive) and covers the employer in terms of health surveillance. Knowing an employee has an existing condition at the start of employment can allow proactive a treatment plan to stabilise conditions.